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RiverView Elementary School
1454 Rico Avenue
Clovis, California 93611
Phone(559) 327-7800

RiverView Elementary provides an interscholastic athletic program in which our teams compete with other schools in Clovis Unified.
Goals for RiverView Elementary Athletes:

to develop the personal qualities of cooperation, self-discipline, task commitment and good sportsmanship associated with being a team member,
to teach and develop proficiency in the skills associated with each sport,
to develop the idea that excellence in performance comes through hard work, dedication, personal effort and the desire to be the best that we can be.


(1) to teach and develop proficiency in the skills associated with each sport, and

(2) to develop the personal qualities of discipline, commitment, and sportsmanship associated with being a member of a team.

Inter-School Athletic Participation:

It is the philosophy of all schools within the Clovis Unified School District to allow upper grade elementary students who have not reached their thirteenth birthday prior to September first, the opportunity to participate on athletic teams. In fifth and sixth grade, the opportunities are: student football, girls volleyball, boys and girls cross country, student wrestling, boys and girls basketball, paddle tennis, track, softball, and student baseball. In fourth grade the opportunities are cross country, student wrestling, and track. All students are encouraged to stay out for the team sport of their choice. The level at which they participate depends on their own individual skill level. The "A" team being the most demanding, requires the most skill. The "B" and in some cases the "C" teams are the developmental part of our athletic programs. These teams (B & C) are designed to help build skills necessary for advancement to the "A" team level.

Code of Participation - Eligibility

Co-curricular activities are a vital part of our total school program. In addition to providing a variety of exploratory and enriching learning experiences for students, they are also important in building character and shaping attitudes. When students elect to participate in a co-curricular program (i.e., chorus, sports, etc.), they must recognize that they have assumed certain responsibilities and obligations - to the coach or advisor, to the other members of the activity, and certainly, to themselves. The school allocates considerable resources in terms of time, money, energy, and personnel in an effort to provide quality co-curricular programs for our students. In turn, we encourage students to participate and expect quality participation from those who do take part in the activities.

Our major co-curricular programs have "participation contracts" stating what is expected of the participant. Students agree to the stipulations upon joining an activity. In essence, the terms of these "contracts" reflect the following CODE OF PARTICIPATION:

1. The participant will maintain a satisfactory level of scholarship (2.0 GPA) and demonstrate satisfactory behavior and citizenship.

2. When a student is unable to maintain a 2.0 GPA, he/she is put on academic probation for the following quarter. When a student is on academic probation, he/she may still participate in the co-curricular programs, but is required to go to Monday Afternoon Study Table. If a student misses Study Table for any reason, other than illness, he/she will not be allowed to participate in the next co-curricular event. The student will still be required to participate in all practices.

3. If a student does not reach or exceed a 2.0 GPA after being on probation for one quarter, or is not making steady academic progress, he/she is ineligible until the next grading period.

4. The participant is expected to abide by the practice, meeting, or rehearsal schedule established for the activity. Certain absences or tardies may, of course, be excused as with classroom attendance. However, the participant has the OBLIGATION to clear these with the coach or teacher in charge of the activity. Failure to do so is grounds for disciplinary measures as in the case of tardiness or truancy from the classroom.

5. The student is expected to participate in the activity in a positive manner. That is, the student is to show proper conduct, strive to learn and grow in his/her abilities or skills, and contribute to the group effort to the best of his/her ability.

6. The participant is expected to respect and properly care for all property and/or equipment issued in conjunction with the activity. This is especially pertinent to members of athletic teams who are issued uniforms. Team uniforms are the property of the school. They are expensive and difficult to replace. Students who NEGLIGENTLY lose or cause UNDUE damage to such school property will be charged for its replacement.

7. The participant will not arbitrarily or unilaterally "quit" an activity. Normally, there is a one-week "grace" period during which the student may join an activity and decide if he/she wishes to continue. A student may drop the activity during that time with no conditions. After that time, the student may drop the activity only after consultation between the parent and the coach/advisor and a conference between the student, coach/advisor and the principal. In the case of athletic teams, a student who drops a sport after the grace period may not join another team during the same season. For example, if a student joins the football team, and drops DURING the "grace" period, he may join the cross country team.

Fall: Cross Country- Grades 4th – 6th

Football- Grades 5th – 6th (Must meet weight requirements)

Volleyball- Girls 5th – 6th

Winter: Basketball- Boys 5th - 6th

Basketball- Girls 5th – 6th

Wrestling – Grades 4th – 6th

Spring: Baseball- Boys 5th – 6th

Softball- Girls 5th – 6th

Track- 4th – 6th

Volleyball- Boys 5th – 6th

Team Information

The teams practice in the afternoons after school from 3:30 - 4:30 with the "A" games scheduled to be played on Fridays at 3:00 p.m. The "B" and "C" games are scheduled at 2:00 p.m. A games schedule will be sent home at the beginning of each season.

All students in the grades indicated are eligible to try out for teams. All students are required to have accident insurance. This may be verified through a family policy or purchased through the school. For additional information please contact the school office.