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RiverView Elementary School
1454 Rico Avenue
Clovis, California 93611
Phone(559) 327-7800


Library Media Program

Riverview Elementary School students have access to an abundance of materials including computers, science kits, math manipulatives and library books. Our collection also includes a fine selection of films and videotapes. Riverview Elementary School students have access to over 12,000 fiction and non-fiction books appropriate for the needs of all of our students.

Our School Librarian, Mrs. Becky Graves and our classroom teachers cooperate as teaching partners to provide a research lab that extends project learning in the regular classroom.

Every class has a regularly scheduled weekly library visit. Each student is assigned a library number that is used to track check-out and check-in of library materials. Books are checked out for two weeks and videotapes are checked out for overnight only. Fines of $.02 per day per item are assessed for overdue library materials. Students with overdue materials will NOT be allowed library checkout privileges. Students wishing to check-out videotapes must have a Video Checkout Permission Slip on file in the LMC.

Mrs. Graves welcomes parent volunteers for regularly scheduled weekly duties or special projects like our Spring and Fall Book Fair or inventory. Stop by or call the LMC to sign up.

Policies and Procedures

Check Out
Kindergarten & 1st grade: 1 book
2nd-6th grade : 2 books (includes magazines)
3rd-6th grade: 1 video

Checkout period
Books....2 weeks
Books/Tape...3 days

Parents are invited and encouraged to get their own barcode # so they can check out books and read to/with their children.

The LMC does not charge fines for overdue books. We expect our students and parents to be responsible in caring for and returning materials on time. Overdue notices are sent out regularly for tardy materials. If a book is damaged beyond repair, or lost, a bill will be sent home with the child, and library privileges will be suspended until the bill has been paid.

Library Use
The Library is open before school and after school (see "Hours") for student and parent use. At all other times, students need to have a pass from their teacher to visit the library. We are on Flexible Scheduling where children come and go on a needs basis.

Lessons in the Library
Mrs. Satterberg, a credentialed Library Media Teacher, plans and teaches lessons with each grade level during the year integrating powerful curriculum materials into the classroom's course of study. The use of technology is also taught through the Media Center and integrated when appropriate into classroom units. Promoting quality literature is another prime focus. We welcome input from the staff, parents and students when purchasing new materials for the collection.

Computer Use
Students MUST have a pass from their teachers in order to use the computers in the library. We do not let students play games on the computers unless they are curriculum related, and Internet use is restricted to pre-selected appropriate sites. No "surfing" allowed.

Shelf Markers
Students are expected to use shelf makers when they go to the stacks to look for books. This insures that books stay in the proper order, and are easy to find.